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Privacy Policy, Protection of Personal Data and Consent

Privacy Policy, Protection of Personal Data and Consent

1. Fulfilment of normative and best practice

EVEREST ( Technology veterinary and medical, S.L.) informs users that it complies with current legislation on the protection of personal data, which is considered that the privacy of users, confidentiality and security of the personal information that you provide through this service, necessarily requires the adoption of techniques and organisational measures necessary to avoid the loss, misuse. alternation or unauthorised access and theft of personal data, in your case, taking  into account the state of the technology, the naturally of the data and the risk that they are exposed.

Remember that in terms of the  Organic Law on data protection, recognised by the data protection law, personal data will be understood as any information corresponding to the identified or identifiable. In the case of this type of data collected in this website, EVEREST
(Tecnología Veterinaria y Médica, S.L.)  will work to  comply with the protection of the data policy.

2. Information to Users

EVEREST (Tecnología Veterinaria y Médica, S.L.) informs to the user that their data will be stored in a  NEWSLETTER  or CLIENT file, depending on the type of request made by the interested, making a processing of personal data in accordance with the facilities Organic Law 15/1999, December 13  of protection personal of personal data (in front LOPD), that means, completely  confidential  and complying with the security measurements of security required for the regulation of the data protection law approved by the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21

For the correct knowledge, in your case, the practice of the humane rights that correspond to they, is necessary that  the user of this website read  carefully this advice and others legal advertisement  from for the website

3. How we gather the date of our users and for why?

The collecting and treatment of data occurs trough the form on the website, either trough the different registration forms to the NEWSLETTER, either trough of fill action and sending the contact form in which case, the data ti will be stored  in a database of CLIENTS.

The collecting and treatment of data for personal character or documental have an objective is to maintenance of the relationship, in your case, for the management, administration, the supply, the implication and the improve of the service that the user choose access or request and, if it proceed, under agreement of conformity with the disposition of information and services offers from EVEREST (Tecnologí Veterinaria y Médica,S.L.)

Part of the treatment  executed in the current base of the website, will produce the processing of relevant data with the prevision of the contracted service, if it is necessary, inform in timely manner what is in this sense the preventive measure of politics and security. 

All data processing performed  for the EVEREST (Tecnología Veterinary y Médica,S.L.) team strictly follow the standards stablished by the data  protection law adopting the relevant measures  for the EVEREST team in this regard.

4. What right own our users?

The user avowed the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition regard for theirs personal data, they can do trough an demand addressed to the EVEREST  team, for this website address


5. Which are the duties of the users?

The user assures that the personals datas facilitated to Everest team, they are truthful and take on the responsibility to advise to the company for any change in theirs.